On Trail Training discussion of vehicle recovery referencing Safe-Xtract components

On 26 April 2020, On Trail Training posted a live video on Facebook, during which they discussed a variety of vehicle recovery topics.  The video is long but interesting, and they made many references of Safe-Xtract components.   The video can be found here, with discussion of various Safe-Xtract components throughout: On Trail Training live…

Morrison’s Outdoor Adventures review of a SX-20000 vehicle recovery kit

On 21 April 2020, Morrison’s Outdoor Adventures provided a rundown and their opinions of the Safe-Xtract SX-20000 Vehicle Recovery Kit as part of a ‘live’ video event on their Facebook Page.  The video can be found here, with discussion of the kit starting at about the 10 minute mark: Morrison’s Outdoor Adventure overview of Safe-Xtract kits.

What Makes Safe-Xtract Different From all the Rest

Safe-Xtract has developed a Vehicle Recovery System that includes specifically engineered Vehicle Recovery Kits, a Vehicle Recovery Application, and Vehicle Recovery Training. Safe-Xtract Vehicle Recovery Kits are made in USA, BAA and COO compliant and have been tested and validated by the Nevada Automotive Test Center for United States Special Operations Command. The Safe-Xtract Vehicle…

What the Experts Say

Safe-Xtract was sponsored by 1st Special Forces Command and the Army’s Mounted Requirements Division for participation and evaluation in the Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment [“AEWE 2018”]. Their comments on the Safe-Xtract System included: “Not sure how you can make this any better.” “This needs to make it out into the force. We will benefit tremendously.”…

Safe-Xtract Capability

Safe-Xtract Vehicle Recovery Kits are light weight, closed system, all synthetic, engineered to meet or exceed double winch capacity, include safety lanyards, versatile in covering all necessary recovery applications (see below), properly labelled with rated capacities, pull tested, made in USA, Berry Amendment, and COO compliant. Safe-Xtract Vehicle Recovery Application, currently for Android, and soon…

Safe-Xtract Capability Relevance

Safe-Xtract provides three components necessary to the warfighter: Vehicle Recovery Kits engineered for: Winch Xtraction SLP, DLP, RD, SB Single line pull (SLP) Double line pull (DLP) Redirect (RD) Spanish Burton (SB) Traction Xtraction: TX Momentum Xtraction: MX Vehicle Recovery Android Application: Approved by Net Warrior Curative – getting safely unstuck Preventative – avoiding getting…